Friday Sailing and paddleboarding club at Lisnaskea - 5.30 to 8.30pm £15. Next Day Skipper or Competent crew course 28th Sept to 2nd October in Belfast £575. Call Hugh 0044 7894076574 or 00353 838201664

Competent Crew

Cost: £575 or 650 euros per person and includes certificate and loan of life jacket

Duration: 5 day or group of 2 days and 3 days

Max students: 5 to 1 instructor

About the course:

Experience living on board and really get to know the boat. Virtually all the course is hands on. You are the crew - without you the sails won't go up and the boat won't be steered.

By the end of the course you should be able to steer, handle sails, keep a lookout, row a dinghy and assist in all the day to day duties on board. You should also have visited some interesting places and had an enjoyable holiday.

Choose a block of 5 days or combination of 2 and 3 days from the Calendar: